本次新基音學的產品受到藍光播放器dimaxx品牌的青睞,成為其指定於CES SHOW展示用的喇叭系統,以讓他們的藍光播放器的音效能有有更好的發揮.
本次與其播放器搭配的產品為2.5吋的smart2小喇叭與idea 8+10超低音所組成的5.1系統,攤位的位置在las vegas convention center south hall #20322.歡迎各位先進蒞臨指教!
For the first time in our history SG-Acoustic will participate as exhibitors at CES, the major Consumer Electronics Show, held annually in Las Vegas in early January.
The show dates are January 7-10, 2010.
SG-Acoustic will be part of the new blue ray player brand "dimaxx" stalls, and we will be located at the las vegas convention center south hall #20322.
We will be showing a new 2.5" full range mini spekaes product .
Looking forward to seeing everybody!