Many cars audiophile might take Marantz a rare noticed brand, but Marantz has won prestige reputation among home audiophiles and known for its Hi-End nature.  For those who often review the Japanese Audio magazines would understand the value of Marantz branding.

For those who often review the Japanese Audio magazines would understand the value of Marantz branding.


The Model 750 car audio amplifier holds the traditional design style.  The Aluminum chase is thick and heavy, which reveal the excellent built quality.  Anyone who has seen Model 750 would enjoy the high quality with satisfaction.


I’ve found that the power supply of Model 750 is far more than what I’ve expected, no matter in terms of circuitry or the electronic component applied.  It takes more than a 750A power supply module need.  There are huge transformer comes alone with 10 National capacitor in 1000μF.  You may also find quality Siemens capacitors lies together.  These provide solid foundation for 90W out put power.  For power switching IC applied high quality Motorola TL494CN, working with 4N35 to reduce ripple.  There are the features shows that Model 750 has careful design on power supply.

There are huge transformer comes alone with 10 National capacitor in 1000μF. 



The power module also applied the “over” design philosophy.  The British made VR control could fine tune in 43 steps.  The PCB board looks very complicate, which the high quality audio grade Siemens components spread every where.  The large filtering capacitor printed with Marantz logo.  It is made by National , Japan .  There filtering process would reduce much of the noise interference.  The power module applied US made GE IRF-641.  Internal wire is the cable made in Germany .  The PCB is well protected by solid Aluminum CNC box.  The engineers of Marantz have tried their best to eliminate the interference from external environment.  The connectors are all gold plated parts.  Those careful designed detail would cost more than one can imagine if it is made by European Hi-End audio manufactures.

The power module also applied the “over” design philosophy. 

I should stop here to praise the internal excellencies because I can put more than thousand words to describe it.  I’d like to put more experience on the good sounding character of Model 750.  One thing need to mention is that through equipment test, Model 750 works in Class A mode under 30W out put, and goes to Class AB beyond 30W.  The circuitry enriched the sound quality in large.  You can say the Model 750 sounds with warmth.  The tonal quality shows the shining golden brightness, which makes music sounds so sweet.  The sound is very heart touching.  Take ????? “to You” album for example, the acoustic guitar on Track 10 “Take me to the moon” is rich with body and softness.  It’s the nature of nylon guitar’s tonal quality should be.  If you can find no realistic of guitar and touching vocal of ?????, that means your audio performance is not qualified.  To be honest, listening to this album of Model 750, I get the creepy on the skin for the aliveness of music is so strong.  I can help but listening to the Album over and over again.

The connectors are all gold plated parts.



For the tonal quality, I’d like to take “Star/////” from Anne Sofie Von Otter and Elvis Costello for example.  If you haven’t heard the beautiful vocal of Von Otter, it’s the best “cross-over” album you should listen to.  On Model 750, the vocal sound smooth and sweet.  The color of the voice is elegant and bright.  It sounds so natural and open.  It’s the excellent performance of Model 750.  If the amplifier colored the original sound quality, this album will sounds more squishy and makes you feel tired soon.  It does reveal the natural essence in the CD through Model 750.  When I put other amplifier with Focal 165W, this album would sounds more neutural.  Thus, I can be sure that the midrange sweetness comes from Model 750.


The music melody line sound especially clear on Model 750.  On 12 Cello of Berlin Philharmonic plays Beatles, you can find this character easily.  On many audio system, this album may sounds muddy, but Model 750 could reproduce the rich body and elegant string line together.  I can feel the expression of plays in easy and find detailed Cello string sound quality.


Considering the price and size of Model 750, these performance has surprised me a lot.  It’s the first time I felt the car amplifier may reproduce the music with charm.  One should ask if Model 750 and 165W the best match?  I really enjoy the tonal quality, I’d also believe that Model 750 can work happily with any other good speakers.  Marantz suggested B&W which cound be a good combination in terms of price and appearance.  For those budget audiophiles, it’s time to take Model 750 seriously.  It provide excellent performance in reasonable price.  The manufacturing built quality is very good in terms of price.  The C/P value is undoubted high.



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